Face doesn’t matter, only abs :D http://ift.tt/2mqJWuQ
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2mb15rT
Otaku club was initially only a facebook-based page,and it grew in much more.Half of Youtube/Twitch cash is going to go to developing new and better version of website for our club, and other half is going to charity or funding for kickstarters. (No more - WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS - posts :D )
That’s some nice roleplaying right there :D Sandwich maker 101 http://ift.tt/2kX9Q41
Need help voting on guild poll. http://ift.tt/2lfDBjY VOTE NO . THEY WANNA CHANGE MY PINK TABARD :D it’s just yes/no, no login
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2lfDBjY
Vote Now! [Yes] [No] http://ift.tt/2lfDBjY
Had a discussion about this with a girl that pouts constantly,blames everyone for all mistakes, lies to everyone,name calls during an argument instead of following facts,has no impulse control,etc. F*king textbook definition of an immature person, that I should treat as an adult, just because she got knocked up at 16. http://ift.tt/2ma8LHa
When friends go crazy, because you don’t spend time with them. http://ift.tt/2kHoRHg
Students worldwide know it, this is our soul food. http://ift.tt/2m24TrC
When you’re dying and you don’t want people to waste money. Loved this anime and it’s humor. http://ift.tt/2laWcMy
So many broken heart statuses on facebook, I need to clear my friends list. http://ift.tt/2kzJDZd
Skyrim can be really cruel sometimes. Not really anime related, but worth sharing :) http://ift.tt/2lKgZK5
Yamcha burns are getting more and more intense :D http://ift.tt/2lePHuK
I don’t understand cats. They want to get pat, but then they viciously attack your hand? http://ift.tt/2krVKYu
My Valentines date is smokin hot this year too. http://ift.tt/2kMrsmE
How I feel, when I post ecchi VS how i feel, when somebody else posts ecchi http://ift.tt/2kzNDd7
My special skill: manipulating own mood through music http://ift.tt/2l7Bsrc
Playing with yourself is more fun, if there is a fairy involved
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2l0FORn
You don’t get pregnant, if you run away fast enough after the deed
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2ke0j8w
Anime weight loss is as ridiculous as its oppai physics http://ift.tt/2lsLyzF
One of them is a trap though. The other is a minor. Very illegal scene http://ift.tt/2k4iH8L
Getting your finger sucked is much more erotic then I’d ever thought possible :D http://ift.tt/2ll8LDI
Recently I have been listening Aldnoah Zero OST on repeat. What are your favorite ones? http://ift.tt/2kM1mR9
That time, when reverse harem anime has better fight scenes than half action series
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2lfWJvw
I’ve binge watched a horror anime and now I need somebody to cuddle me to sleep. Also that shadow in the corner is SCARY!
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2lcjMaG
You just can’t imagine some people in a relationship http://ift.tt/2jPCBPJ
I watch sports anime for the plot
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2jLYRPe
The kid, I’m babysitting demanded to watch “scary movies”.
p.s.: in the end we both cried like b*tches for “Neverending Story” and went to bed early http://ift.tt/2l3Sebi
I’m a simple Usaghi. I see bunnehs on cover, I read the manga http://ift.tt/2l3HDt8
My recent attempts at sports failed. Guess, my place is in the (kitchen) yoga and pilates parlour
via Otaku Club http://gph.is/2jB0fEe
I keep smacking this roach with a slipper, but it doesn’t die! http://ift.tt/2kV1Yo8
We need fanservice, can you do something about it? - Got it boss. http://ift.tt/2jEDSZX
You now have a pill, that will transform you into an anime protagonist. You can’t choose the universe or particular character, but selection is limited to humanoids from stuff, that you watched. Will you take it? http://ift.tt/2jX7rJm