Tissues… TISSUES EVERYWHERE http://ift.tt/2qHH3nh
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2rd40SF
Otaku club was initially only a facebook-based page,and it grew in much more.Half of Youtube/Twitch cash is going to go to developing new and better version of website for our club, and other half is going to charity or funding for kickstarters. (No more - WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS - posts :D )
When some creep tries to take my friend away from me. I don’t care, that he’s her boyfriend or whatever! Scram!!! http://ift.tt/2rpjNhN
I need to level up my perv skills more
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2quzK6Y
When I grow up, I want to be a man like Meliodas
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2qsdJWq
My fellow admins are jocks. How am I supposed to survive this summer?
//cries in icecream// http://ift.tt/2rep8Z0
Do you want to be the MC of an otome/gal game?
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2rqdPxL
Aren’t school girl supposed to like daring guys?
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2r4v1rX
A shoutout to everyone, who studies for the exams at the last minute http://ift.tt/2r0qqa8
I love nonchalant people and squishy things
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2rMDT3g
I am Sailor Shota, champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you! http://ift.tt/2qK53Jv
THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXERCISING AND BLACK MAGIC. At first both of them hurt your body and drain your mind, but the more you practice either, the more powerful you become
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/1x5dbld
Am I horny or am I hungry? Who cares? Let’s get wasted!
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2qEOXkd
Today was an embarrassing day (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~! http://ift.tt/2rB30oR
I’ve got new pillow. My new pillow is made of love (^^)b
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2rwNnOW
When your BF is perfect, except one little detail. Literally http://ift.tt/2rftFLd
I bet, he’s listening to one of those creepy Japanese “ear” licking records http://ift.tt/2qQtbvo
Girl next to me in store had a basket filled with plushie toys, she kept talking to a friend saying - OH THIS IS SO KAWAIII - http://ift.tt/2pTTTyi
That’s what happens behind the closed doors, according to sex ed classes
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2pRU7Xl
For all those already enjoying the joys of summer, make sure to wear sunscreen! http://ift.tt/2pFizzb
So? which is it ?
Anime : Azumanga daioh(hilarious :D OST is priceless as well) http://ift.tt/2rhc95P
Another one gone, sad to see there’s no more of it :( http://ift.tt/2pMmvt2
Watching Ladies versus Butlers! (れでぃ×ばと! Redi×Bato!) for the plot! http://ift.tt/2qdNfGK
Aku no Hana. One of the weirdest anime I’ve ever seen.
Faces are spot on, outro OST is ?!??!? and I got nothing. http://ift.tt/2pJA5OX
With all these Yugi-oh memes recently, I want to rewatch it now! :D http://ift.tt/2raV6CW
Art class in school is difficult, when you do fan art in your free time
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2r9Fgc6
He went from funifuni to Diva in under one season http://ift.tt/2q779CY
Amazing! Imagine the stories their history has to tell. http://ift.tt/2pBaxCN
I place one card face down, then I end my post. http://ift.tt/2r37oNH
Any lovers of visual novels?
Which ones are your favorites? http://ift.tt/2r1dihP
Akatsuki no Yona has wonderful art, interesting story, but I am really saddened to see that it probably wont receive season 2.
OVA’s will just have to do :P http://ift.tt/2q3mFQw
If you’re still fawning about Kanna, reconsider. Tiny Kobayashi is tenfold cuter! http://ift.tt/2pyxreL
When somebody takes the last cookie, which I already mentally claimed as mine http://ift.tt/2p9kZ42
Admins, when we discuss each other’s fetishes http://ift.tt/2pFhYKx
What it means to be a “treehugger”
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2oUAcL4
I never wanted to grow up. I knew, adulthood suck from the start
via Otaku Club http://ift.tt/2p1fXGE